Tatiana Pavlova | Live performing composer | Concert pianist

Official website

Tatiana Pavlova | Live performing composer | Concert pianist


The official website www.tatianapavlova.com promotes, for demonstrative and non-commercial purposes, the professional activity of the live performing composer and concert pianist Tatiana Pavlova, delivering biographic information and news about her career, photos, images, music samples and audiovisual material of the artist or related to her.

The website respects the intellectual property rights of others. In case that the interested parties consider it to be the opposite, please report the abuse to (e-mail address), in order to solve the conflict.

The website www.tatianapavlova.com includes links to some third parties websites. www.tatianapavlova.com is not responsible of the contents made available on those websites, nor of potential damages caused by them.

Creative Commons License

Unless otherwise specified, script, graphics, images, style-sheets, source code, text, and any other information available on the website www.tatianapavlova.com are licensed by Tatiana Pavlova and/or the authors, under the Creative Commons License Attribution – ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0).

Creative Commons License

The photographs on the website www.tatianapavlova.com are licensed by the authors under the Creative Commons License Attribution – NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-ND 3.0), unless otherwise specified.


All rights of music and videos available on the website www.tatianapavlova.com are copyright and reserved to Tatiana Pavlova and/or the authors, under Italian and international copyright laws.

For the works without Creative Commons License, reproduction and transmission by printed or digital means is only allowed for personal, scientific, didactic or documentary purposes, as long as the copies are not altered in any significant way. The authors of the works, where specified, the relative copyright notices or the source itself must always be cited in these publications.

Unless otherwise specified, the usage of any of the contents in this website for commercial purposes needs special permission and/or a licensing contract. In this case, please refer to your local copyright associations or contact Tatiana Pavlova at (e-mail address) for more information.

Links from other websites to this website are welcome.

Privacy policy

According to the Recommendation n. 2/2001 for personal data protection, and art. 13 Legislative Decree 196/2003, all the personal data collected on Tatiana Pavlova's official website (www.tatianapavlova.com) is exclusively handled for the management of the services requested by the user. Privacy is guaranteed and personal data will not be, under any circumstances, transmitted to third parties or abroad.

Personal data acquired from specific sections of this website will be handled manually or automatically, and only for the time necessary to satisfy the requests for which it has been collected.

Users are free to send their personal data, but the refusal to give information will only make it impossible to satisfy the requested services.

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According to art. 7 Legislative Decree 196/2003, users are granted the right to obtain, at any moment, confirmation of the existence of their data on the database, to know its contents and sources, verify its accuracy or request integrations, updates, verifications, cancellations or blockings.

The holder and the manager of the data is Tatiana Pavlova, available at the e-mail address: (e-mail address)
